//Yassine AKHIATE


Dr. Yassine Akhiate, Professor of Applied Economics at the Department of Information and Communication Sciences at Mohammed V University in Rabat.


Functions and responsibilities

Secretary General of the Brahim Akhiate Foundation for Cultural Diversity and Associate – Member of the research team of the “Lange, Traduction, Communication et Culture” laboratory (LT2C) and senior executive at the High Authority for Audiovisual Communication (regulator of audiovisual media in Morocco).

Member of scholarly associations and networks

Member of the UNESCO Chair in Journalistic and Media Practices in Strasbourg since 2015.


Research axes and keywords

He conducts research in the following areas: media practices / cultural diversity / political communication / digital marketing / organizational communication


Publications (selection)

Bendahan, M. Akhiate, Y. Religious Media in the Maghreb: What Are the Boundaries between the Public and Private Spheres? Religions 2020, 11, 638. https://doi.org/10.3390/rel11120638

Akhiate. Y, (juillet 2020) Le populisme journalistique au Maroc : quelles frontières entre les pratiques individuelles et la déontologie sectorielles ? Paru dans REFSICOM, édition UNESCO : Le populisme entre politique et représentation médiatique

Ouvrage Collectif Coordonné Par « Yassine AKHIATE »  (Mai 2020) : La Communication publique au service de la valorisation territoriale, de l’économie solidaire et de la diversité culturelle, Publications de la Fondation Brahim Akhiate pour la Diversité Culturelle

Akhiate Yassine « l’Audiovisuel Au Maroc en 10 Question »,  Mai 2018, Ouvrage paru aux éditions L’Harmattan aux collections socio-anthropologie des mondes méditerranéens et africains

Akhiate. Y, Bendahan. M, (2016), « Digital Social Media (DSM) as tools to develop the audience for the Moroccan Medias: “Cases of the private radios», Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies 9(18), 113-123, http://www.essachess.com/index.php/jcs/article/view/341/390.

By | 2021-02-24T16:09:44+00:00 February 24th, 2021|Equipe RELMUS|Comments Off on Yassine AKHIATE

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