//Mohamed BENDAHAN


Full Professor

Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat


  • Head of the Department of Communication Science and Technology, Faculty of Letters & Human Sciences, Mohammed V University in Rabat.
  • Responsible for the Master’s degree in “Organizational Communication, Quality and Sustainable Development” (COQDED).
  • Responsible for the Professional License in Communication.
  • Member of the College of languages, translation, communication and culture (LT2C) at FLSH, Mohammed V University in Rabat.
  • Responsible of the Doctoral School of Information and Communication Sciences (SICOM), FLSH, Mohammed V University in Rabat.
  • Member of the Faculty Council and the Pedagogical Commission.
  • Associate member of the international network “Populations, Cultures, Languages and Development” (POCLANDE) at Université Paris Diderot-Sorbonne, Paris (France).

Research axes and keywords

  • Constitution of the field of communication in Morocco
  • Uses, media and public space: traditional and digital media
  • Communication, public governance and politics
  • Media, cultures and social change


Projects, grants and research programs

  • Member of the COVID-19 Pandemic Integration Software Platform Project, Coordinator: Prof. Mohammed El Hassouni – UM5R/ FLSH- PES, 2020-2021 Moroccan
  • Moroccan responsible of the PHC Maghreb Cooperation Project 2016/2019, “Communication and Mutations of the Public Space”.



  • Bendahan Mohamed and Akhiate Yassine (2020), “Religious Media in the Maghreb: What Are the Boundaries between the Public and Private Spheres?” in Revue Religions, 11(12)
  • Bendahan Mohamed, El Mendili Soumaya. et El Hassouni Mohamed. (Sous dir.) (2021), « Communication publique et métamorphoses de l’espace social : vers un partage d’expériences », ISBN 978-9920-9965-5-6 ; dépôt légal 2019MO4871
  • Bendahan Mohamed, Ghosn Catherine., Merah Aissa. (Sous dir.) (2020) : « Communication publique, espace et citoyenneté, Éditions L’Harmattan. ISBN : 978-2-343-20455-0
  • Bendahan Mohamed et El Mendili Soumaya (Sous dir.) (2020), Enjeux du numérique et modernisation de l’action publique, Éditions FLSH, ISBN- 978-9920-619-08-0
  • Bendahan Mohamed (2020), « Communication de crise et risques sanitaires. « Confinés » et « Covidés », un nouvel enjeu pour la Communication » in Ouvrage collectif « Savoir, Innovation & Expertise vs Pandémie COVID-19 : Vers une sortie rapide de la crise » coordonné par Bouchaib Bounabat, Université Mohammed V de Rabat, ISBN :978-9954-9863-1-8, dépôt légal 2020 M0 2761
  • Akhiate Yassine and Bendahan Mohamed (2018), “When the Ideological Minority Eclipse the Identity and Linguistic Majorities (Case of Moroccan media), in French Journal for Media Research, numéro special en marge du Congrès international “XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology, July 15-21, 2018, in Toronto, Canada.

Links to social networks

By | 2021-02-24T16:14:25+00:00 February 24th, 2021|Equipe RELMUS|Comments Off on Mohamed BENDAHAN

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