Communication in Statistics: Why? When? and How (not) to do it?
Guest editors: Tudorel Andrei, Claudiu Herteliu and Bogdan Oancea
It is well known that many press releases by Official Statistics Offices all around the world became suddenly subjects of breaking news. On the other hand there are occasions when released statistical information became subject of debates: sometimes on technicalities: how was measured? was correct measured? is the methodology uniform all around the world in order to permit international comparisons? etc. The interested scholar can found answers to these questions in the articles published in the current issue of Essachess – Journal for Communication Studies which covers communication questions in official statistics in several EU countries. From cultural statistics to political communication and the potential power of influence of information supported by statistics, the contributions try to clarify the problems raised by the communication in the modern era of official statistics.
Stephane AMATO, Marco BABIC, Patrick-Yves BADILLO, Anda Georgiana BECUT, Helene BOURDELOIE, Eric BOUTIN, Stephanie CASSILDE, Carmen CROITORU, Loic DROUALLIERE, Mihaela FRUNZA, Sandu FRUNZA, Iulia GRAD, Ronan GERMAN, Yannick LEBTAHI, Marjorie LELUBRE, Cindy MINODIER, Isabelle MURATORE, Olivier NANNIPIERI, Tiphaine ZETLAOUI, Virginie ZIMMERLI